photo @DeviPridePhotography



An Interest in Bodywork

My education in massage and other bodywork techniques began when I came to the US in the early eighties. As a young man in Norway, I had the opportunity to experience Reichian therapy and Primal therapy. These methods use the physical techniques of breathing and deep body manipulation to create an awareness of the deep interconnectedness between the body and emotional states of being. This experience led me to the quest for a more intelligent use of the body, to study human anatomy, and to research methods used to educate and heal the body. 


Initially trained in massage therapy in 1980-81, I was certified as a Rolfer in 1989 and completed my training as an Advanced Rolfer in 1994. Subsequently, I received training in Visceral Manipulation, developed by the French Osteopath J.P. Barral, and became certified as a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist in 2002. Between 2001 and 2010 I trained extensively in a system of movement analysis and education known as Tonic Function, developed by Hubert Godard, and received my certification as a Rolf Movement Integration practitioner in 2015. After a 6-year teacher training, I am now an instructor of Rolfing and Rolf Movement Integration at Dr. Ida Rolf Institute in Boulder, CO. 

Professional Dance

My years as a professional dancer and teacher have allowed me to continue my inquiry into the human anatomy, through the realm of performance. I received my B.A. in Dance and Theatre Arts from UCSC in 1986, and have been actively involved in performing and teaching dance for more than twenty years. 

Continuing Education

Since becoming a Rolfer, I have pursued additional training and advanced studies that enable me to evaluate, treat and resolve a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. I have received extensive training in spinal mechanics, joint mobilization techniques, and injury rehabilitation. Integrating the modalities of visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapy, I have continued to develop my skills as a manual therapist, continuously striving for deeper clarity and precision in my touch and perception. My training in neuromyofascial mobilization allows me to work directly with the nervous system, through subtle and gentle manipulation of the peripheral nerves. This work can improve neuromuscular functioning and reduce pain and inflammation caused by “entrapment” of nerves and lack of “gliding” capacity of the nerve tissues.

I continue my work as a performer, ever curious about the meanings and nuances of gesture and movement dynamics. As I continue expanding my own movement and expressive potential, I am able to continue deepening my understanding of anatomy, structure, and the healthy functioning of the body.


Combining my work in Rolfing, Rolf Movement Integration, and Craniosacral Therapy, I wish to help my clients find relief from pain and discomfort while educating them to develop new and better ways to use their bodies. I am qualified to successfully evaluate and treat injuries and imbalances of the musculoskeletal system, and I offer effective skills and exercises for injury prevention and rehabilitation. Through manipulation and re-education, I can work with you to help improve the ease and efficiency of your everyday movements.

As a result of many years of practice in my community, I am part of a network of highly qualified holistic health care practitioners. If I find that your situation requires care that is outside of my field of expertise, I can help direct you to the right professional.