(831) 479-9565
Rolfing is a system of deep body manipulation and movement education. It is a sophisticated technique for lengthening, aligning, and ordering the human body in the gravitational field. Rolfing facilitates the balancing and re-alignment of the body structure or posture. By releasing strain and tension in the connective tissues, Rolfing can reverse unhealthy twists, torsions, and misalignments throughout the musculoskeletal system, thereby improving posture, reducing pain, and creating a new sense of freedom in the body.
Rolf Movement Integration builds on the newfound mobility and balance achieved through Rolfing. In Rolf Movement Integration, the client and therapist work together to identify compromised movement patterns that may result in imbalance and dysfunction. Through interactive practices and exercises, the client is guided toward enhanced perception, improved coordination, and increased self-expression.
Biodynamic craniosacral therapy is highly effective in treating headaches, migraines, TMJ issues, sinus congestion, nerve pain, and autonomic nervous system imbalances. Through supportive touch in and around the cranium, spinal column, and sacrum, we can enhance and harmonize the movement of fluids and cranial bones. Held and supported, the body can express its subtle, mysterious rhythms and be guided to a deeper sense of balance. In its depth, subtlety, and gentleness, craniosacral therapy can be highly restorative and transformational, allowing the body to reconnect with its own healing and self-organizing powers.
I am a Certified Advanced Rolfer® in private practice since 1989, serving the Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, Monterey, and Bay Area communities. I am also a faculty member at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute, where I teach Rolfing® Structural Integration and Rolf Movement Integration®.
If you are injured, in pain, or feel limited and restricted in your body, I can help you. I have extensive training in the evaluation and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and imbalances and can help reduce pain and discomfort while restoring optimal structural alignment in your body. As a professional dancer and movement teacher with over 30 years of experience, I have acquired specific skills for working successfully with performers and athletes.
I have a deep respect for the healing process and its transformative potential. I offer an approach to health that goes beyond bringing temporary relief from pain and discomfort. Working together we can re-shape and re-educate your body to create a deeper sense of embodiment, enhancing your self-expression, and allowing you to move with more grace and ease.
Per Haaland Rolfing – Serving the Santa Cruz, Los Gatos, Monterey, and Bay Area communities for over 30 years.